Monday 9 January 2017

Odinism. A Rising Phoenix or a Dead Horse?...By Rev Messick / Ben Klassen

Forward: For the last decade or so Mr. Dietz has published the Liberty Bell Magazine, which is pro-Nazi, pro-White, anti-Christian and anti-Jewish. In the last several years Mr. Dietz, the Editor, has also published any number of articles taken directly out of the chapters of Nature's Eternal Religion and The White Man's Bible, with our permission and approval. A few issues ago Mr. Ronald S. Hand published a letter which ended with the fervent hope there be fewer identity Christians and more Odinists. If so, we would stand a better chance of wresting our destiny from the hands of the Jews. He concluded his letter with the offer that he would be glad to answer any questions.

Rev. Charles C. Messick III, Hasta Primus of The Church Of The Creator took note of this letter and wondered why, if Mr. Hand was really so interested in overcoming the Jews, he completely ignored CREATIVITY which is solely dedicated to breaking the Jewish stranglehold and wresting the White Man's destiny back in his own hands. The following correspondence ensued, the first two letters of which Mr. Dietz published in Liberty Bell, but the third one he refused. It is because Mr. Dietz refused to print this third letter that we are now publishing all three letters in this forum. Rev. Messick had been a long time subscriber to the Liberty Bell before he discovered the Church Of The Creator. He then joined the Creativity movement because he was convinced that Creativity had the answer, the TOTAL ANSWER.

First of all, here is Rev. Messick's letter as published in the Liberty Bell:

Dear George:

This letter is in response to that of Ronald S. Hand, Odinist, which appeared in the May issue of "Liberty Bell." Whereas I have little criticism of what Mr. Hand says, it is what he doesn't say that is somewhat disturbing. In the last paragraph he comes to the conclusion that "if we had in America 'Odinists' instead of Identity Christians we would stand a much better chance of wresting our destiny from the hands of the Jews." With this, too, I do not disagree, but he seems to completely ignore a racial religious movement, CREATIVITY, that is well known to the readers of "Liberty Bell," a religious movement that is solely dedicated to the survival, expansion, and advancement of the White Race. It is a religion of this era, not a moldy relic from the past. It's already doing just what Mr. Hand claims he desires to see happen — wrest the destiny of the White Race from the hands of the Jews and into the capable hands of the White Race itself. Mr. Hand adds that he will answer questions. Here are a few vital questions to which I would like to have a few reasonable answers.

1. After all the articles Mr. Dietz has published in "Liberty Bell" that came directly out of the pages of "Nature's Eternal Religion" and "The White Man's Bible," the basic books of the Creativity movement, surely Mr. Hand must have heard of it?

2. Since Odinism failed to hold its own against the treachery and the cunning of the wily Jew a thousand years ago when the Vikings were the fiercest and the most feared warriors in Europe, what makes Mr. Hand think that today Odinism, when it has been a dead horse for a millennium, can now turn the tables?

3. Isn't Odinism merely trading one set of spooks, namely the Norse gods, for another set of spooks, namely the Jewish passel, and can any intelligent and educated man in the 20th century really believe in either without insulting his own intelligence?

4. True, the Odinist gods are at least our own brand of fantasies, but since they do not have (and never had) any defense or understanding of the insidious Jewish perfidy, how can you expect them to be a solution to anything?

5. Why does Mr. Hand deliberately choose to ignore CREATIVITY when it has a comprehensive racial creed, program, and religion, that is geared to the eternal realities of Nature, to the 20th century, to exposing the Jewish fraud that is Christianity, and to blasting the Jewish menace from the face of the earth? Just how serious is Mr. Hand or any other White Racist group in dealing the most effective blow against the Jews and mud races?

It would seem to me that we would do much better to forget our own small fragmented individual hubris and combine forces to build a mighty White Racial Movement under the only aegis that has a chance of success, namely the CREATIVITY movement. It is the only White racial religion in the White Man's history that was designed to exactly do the job that now overwhelmingly needs to be done if the White Race is to survive.

I am not attempting to insult or demean any White Racist, but only to point out the obvious lessons of the past. We need something that has a better than average chance to succeed. If something failed us in the past there is a good chance that it will do so again. We do not need to play games with such weak and meaningless props as the existence or nonexistence of Atlantis, nor Norse gods, nor Mother Goose tales in order to forge a powerful racial religion. Nature is very real and says it all, but some of us are not paying attention. "Creativity" is based on and embodies the Eternal Laws of Nature for the survival, expansion and advancement of our own kind — Natures Finest — The White Race. All we have to do is stop playing games of fantasy and get back to using the good sense with which Nature endowed us.

I fooled around with several White Racialist groups — Posse Comitatus, Euro-American Alliance, Aryan Nations, etc. — most were hung up on Christ being our only hope and were really ineffectual. They have been around for years and practically accomplished nothing except to get themselves killed or jailed without dealing an effective blow at any Jew. Once I realized the absurdities of spooky religions "CREATIVITY" became the only logical answer. I am, myself, as the Hasta Primus for the Church of the Creator, accomplishing more now than ever I could hope to do in a hundred years of practicing spook craft with whatever religion. I am serious as hell about ridding the world of the Jewish menace.

I don't play games anymore.

Rev. Charles C. Messick III
Hasta Primus for the
Church of the Creator


Before publishing Rev. Messick's letter, Mr. Dietz, however, first sent a copy of that letter to Mr. Hand so that he could prepare a rebuttal to it, which he did. Mr. Dietz then published both letters consecutively in the same issue. Here is Mr. Hand's letter:

Dear Rev. Messick:

Thank you for your letter of 7 June, 1984.

I am glad that you have opened to me a door of opportunity to answer some vital questions concerning "The Church of the Creator." Yes, I am aware of "Creativity," and have read most of 'The White Man's Bible," and "Nature's Eternal Religion." I find in both a certain evangelical concern for enlightening White people about the subtle insinuations of Judeo-Christianity, and a style of logic which is convincing and intellectually spicy. However, I did not find in "Creativity" a religion which offered any real compelling reasons why I should become a part of it.

My reasons are as follows:

"Creativity" is, after all, a modern innovation which attempts to meet certain needs of the Aryan community in its juxtaposed antagonism to Judaism and Communism. With this I feel comfortable. But, at several points I am made to sense a kind of lostness in it. Let me call it an alienation. I refer to the chapters on "Salubrious Living," for not too long after I was reading about dietary regulations I came to the conclusion that I would have to part company with my charcoal grill and barbeque pit. I am, after all, not a vegetarian as was Adolf Hitler. Furthermore, I don't think that an Aryan counter- part to Leviticus chapter II is of central importance to the survival, expansion and advancement of White people. Yet the gist of "Salubrious Living" was tilted heavily in favor of vegetarianism and Hinduism. "Where's the Beef?" If White people came to embrace this practice generally, then I suspect that Steven Spielberg will send Indiana Jones to rescue the Jews from the newly passed

Nuremberg Laws which forbid Jews to eat mutton or gefilte fish. I'm being facetious of course. Nevertheless, there is another one or two objections. How often I have thought about "Creativity," "what God is revered, or worshipped?" And all I could find out was that "White people", who are the "building race," are the creators. Do White people then worship themselves collectively? I hate to say this, but there are some White people that I regard as Untermenschen, race traitors, scum and worse.

So, a Carte Blanche approval of White people is both naive and false insofar as their interests is concerned. One reason for Jewish triumph is not Jewish genius, but Gentile stupidity and lack of backbone. And if this statement is true, then the single greatest task we have before us is not a negative program of indicting Jews, but of examining ourselves to discover foibles, weaknesses, excesses, indulgences, grossness, callousness, insensitiveness (to certain things) casualness, foolishness, etc., which have become the bane of our survival. So, why or how can we even talk of expansion and advancement of White people when their very survival is in question? You see, there have been too many White suckers in the last two thousand years who took the Jewish bait, to land all the blame on the Jews. We need to start looking at ourselves, too.

Why and how did we let it happen? So you see, I doubt the present "capability" of the White Race to govern and rule the world in its present dilemma. The White Race needs to be purged, disciplined, and nurtured back to health before any of our leaders will be able to grasp the helm of our destiny with confidence and certainty.

And now in my own defense.

Neo-Odinism is not a naive acceptance of ancient Nordic Gods. It is rather a personal quest, a search for Life's meaning, as can be sifted out of our own religious past as it is understood through a demythologized and psychologically researched examination of that religion. My

Paganism is new, but it is based upon the few extant runes which have become to me a bible for my race. Modern historionomy, philology, etymology, literary criticism, and study of comparative religions can make possible some very enlightening discoveries of the White psyche, when applied to our knowledge of our racial and natural Gods. For our Gods are not unlike ourselves. As Jehovah is naught but a big Jew in the sky, so Thor, Odin, Tyr, and Freya are naught but big Aryans in the sky. By studying them, we are studying ourselves. Thus, self knowledge becomes a way to health and a remedy to our foibles.

Odinism, unlike "Creativity," can say "we do believe in God." But what God? Fimbulvetr is here, the Gotterdaemmerung is now, and the Norse eddas, sagas, and epics have told us that the old Gods who ruled so long would die. But in the process, the wolf Fenrir will also die, and the great Serpent (Judaism) shall be slain. Baldur will be released from Hel, and Heimdall shall prepare a new age with new Gods. Ragnarok is now passing, and new things are in the making. Are we to be many Baldurs and Heimdalls, who will squeeze through the Qords and crevasses of time to reach the other side of the great catastrophe? We shall see!

In the meantime, "Creativity" will have accomplished its task of confronting Judeo-Christianity with its own absurdities. "Creativity," to be sure, is not detrimental to White racism. But, neither is Odinism. Both have specialized tasks to perform and both work on different kinds of problems. The strength of Creativity is its poignant factualism, its matter-of-factness, its loquacious logic, and its stymieing criticism. Its weakness is its coldness and emotional dryness. It doesn't go to our own soul, to answer our heart's cry. It remains heady and cerebral. It provides much light, but doesn't warm our hearts. On the contrary, the strength of Odinism is that it is ours. It came from our gene pool before miscegenation set in. It remains a record of poetic wisdom, humor, and truth, containing both tragedy and comedy, loyalty and treachery, heroism and cowardice. We can read epic stories of our ancestors instead of Jewish ones, i.e., the Bible. Also, we can read about our past, the

now-alien, pre-Christian culture, or when Semitic religion was still kept at the periphery of Nordic borders. On the other hand, Odinism has weaknesses, as you pointed out. But these are not insurmountable. The fact that several thousand neo-Odinists can be counted shows that it is no "dead horse," but a rising phoenix.

Perhaps what is needed in both Creativity and Odinism is a
thoroughgoing eclectic theology which can better ground our ideas in an eternal constancy, and consistency. In any case, Odinism has this edge over non-religion: It allows for after-life, continuous life, or reincarnation, or combination of the two. Odin was, among other things, God of the dead, especially warriors. Thus Odinism becomes an affirmation of the continuity and stability of existence, however you wish to explain it. Odinism allows us to speak of God in very general terms also; in fact, the High God is still unknown. The High God is spoken of as though the Aesir Gods are much inferior to it. The High God is the cosmic force, the stuff which glues the universe together; the medium of all sympathetic and intellectual communication, the buffer between the antagonistic forces and rivalries. The High God cannot be named, for to do so would denigrate him to lower status by means of limitation and mislabeling. The High God remains aloof because of his presence everywhere, and he also remains aloof because of his immediate presence in the lowest of matter. His highest

or greatest manifestation is when he is active in the process of evolution, i.e., the act of surpassing himself. The greatest experience we can have of the High God is when we participate in the evolutionary process by intent (eugenics, cultivation, organization) and communicate in circles of concentrated intelligence by cooperation. Persons who accumulate both historical and technological knowledge may unconsciously be serving the purposes of the High mind, and may be affecting the historical-evolutionary process. Mental ability, or capacity in itself is not indicative of any special blessing of the Super Intelligence of Universe. This is a more genetic combination. But, when mental energies are aimed at improving, correcting, adjusting or perfecting the already good, then we may say that the evolutionary process is still at work. And, by way of extension, we may suppose the subtle activity of infinite intelligence joined to good will.

This notion of an almost pantheistic God is hard for many people to swallow. But, any sympathy man may have for Nature must be grounded in an earthly, naturalistic type of God. Any man's concern for the future of his race and family is bound up with his hope for his personal survival after death, and eventual reunion with his Comrades. On the other hand. Communism and nihilism, which are based on mere biology and sociology, cannot lead people to long term hopes and plans. Neither can capitalistic materialism promise anything of lasting quality. Adherents of the two materialistic cults just mentioned can have

only a "ball-game" attitude toward racial cohesiveness. If a man's life ends with biological disintegration, then it would be futile, unnecessary, and wasteful to try to improve, perfect, adjust, or correct anything that did not serve an immediate materialistic purpose.

So we need a spook, but not Jewish hell fire and brimstone. We need the "Awe," the "Mystique," the "wonderful," and the "elusive," if for no other reason than to make us probe further, to discover, to uncover.

Ronald S. Hand
Odinist Church of God


Your Editor then took note of Mr. Hand's letter and decided that a number of Mr. Hand's statements about both Odinism and Creativity were grossly naive and incorrect. He sent the following letter to the Liberty Bell, but Mr. Dietz refused to print it.
Here is the full text of my letter: (Ben Klassen)

Dear Mr. Dietz:

In the July issue of LIBERTY BELL, Mr. Ronald S. Hand, in answer to Rev. Charles C. Messick's letter of the same issue, makes a broadside attack on CREATIVITY, The White Racial religion of the Church Of The Creator. Since I am the founder of this church, I believe I have a vested interest in answering these charges. In so doing I almost feel like a mosquito in a nudist colony, I hardly know where to begin.

Since Mr. Hand makes so many ridiculous statements, he leaves himself wide open, and all I can say is — he asked for it. In his attack, Mr. Hand uses (among others) two sleazy tactics at which Jews and Christians are especially adept: (a) he misrepresents our

position and then attacks that false position (b) he attempts to discredit us through guilt by association and links us with reprehensible entities such as the Jews and the Hindus, when we have absolutely nothing in common with them.

So let us start with our position regarding Salubrious Living which is spelled out in considerable detail in our classic text of the same name and embodied in its 244 pages. I am sure that Mr. Hand has never read it, since he seems completely ignorant of its contents. In the first place we are not vegetarians as Mr. Hand seems to think, but frugitarians, a considerable difference. If Mr. Hand does not understand that difference he

is invited to educate himself at leisure by reading the book. I don't have the space to do so here. He will probably also find out that meat is suitable food for dogs and other carnivores, but highly unsuitable for humans. He might even find out that charcoal broiled meat is

carcinogenous (cancer causing) and after he gets his facts straight, might even want to dispose of his much prized charcoal broiler that he hates so to give up.

The facts are that the wealth of advice given in Salubrious Living for living a healthier, happier and longer life is based on solid scientific facts, and has nothing to do with the primitive superstitious hocus-pocus of Hindus or the Jewish Leviticus with which Mr. Hand so surreptitiously seeks to associate us. Furthermore, proper diet is only one of the 14 cardinal points that we list in "Salubrious Living" (See Page 9) for creating our desired goal of a SOUND MIND in a SOUND BODY in a SOUND SOCIETY in a SOUND ENVIRONMENT.

Does Mr. Hand object to such goals? If so, that is mighty strange, since in his letter he roundly denounces and insults the White Race in scathing terms, such as, quote: "Untermenschen, race traitors, scum and worse." When we Creators have a well-planned, thoroughgoing program to upgrade the health, eugenics, and environment of our White Racial Comrades, he stupidly denounces that too, because, to his own detriment, he is totally ignorant of what we are talking about in Salubrious Living.

One final point and that is this: We do not INSIST that anyone HAS to follow the beneficial guidelines laid down, even to be a member of the church. We do not twist anyone's arm. We offer a set of constructive, scientifically proven guidelines for anyone to follow in order to live a healthier, happier and longer life. Whether they do so is each individuals own choice, but, again for the benefit of a better race and a Whiter and Brighter World, we hope that every White Man, woman and child will learn to practice a lifestyle that is far superior to the drug and junk food infested world of today.

So much for Salubrious Living, which although extremely important, is not the main thrust of our religious program, and was not even mentioned in "Nature's Eternal Religion," our first corner stone. Let us get down to the "spooky" business in which Mr. Hand seems to take

such primitive delight. He says in Odinism "we do believe in God." He then immediately trips himself up and says, "But what God?" He is not sure. He then lists such absurdities as Thor, Odin, Tyr and Freya, all of which are presumably dead, and resting somewhere in Lower

Slobbovia. Then there are the Baldurs and the Heimdalls sneaking around the fiords (somewhere) and oozing out of, and squeezing through the crevasses (somewhere). Supposedly, somehow, somewhere, they will finally come to our rescue. Big deal! But we Creators are not holding our breath waiting for such nonsense to materialize. How any rational, grown man can believe in, and spout such ridiculous nonsense is beyond me.

But, Mr. Hand says, we have to worship something, and why not spooks, they're good for us, we need them. Well, we Creators don't need any such idiotic and artificial props. If you need them, Mr. Hand, you had better see your Jewish psychiatrist. He will confuse you even more, and make you like it in the process.

Speaking of worship, Mr. Hand asks categorically: What God do we Creators worship? He then goes on to accuse us of worshipping our own White Race, which he next proceeds to roundly denounce, abuse and insult as viciously as would any Jew or nigger. I therefore want to set Mr. Hand straight on two points, (a) We Creators do not "worship" anything, not even the White Race, as he implies, and (b) To us the whole idea of "worship" is stupid, ridiculous and demeaning. It implies that the "worshipper" willfully places himself in an extremely inferior position in relation to some stupid abstract "Quantity X" that he or she has set up to worship. This may be something as ridiculous as a cow, a cat, a spookie, or a hot rock. He or she then proceeds to jabber some meaningless, yes, insane praise at said inanimate or imaginary object, in order to completely humiliate himself or herself. To us the whole idea is primitive, repugnant and reflects a throwback to our primitive and barbaric

Stone Age ancestors. So when someone asks us — "If you don't worship God, what do you worship?", it reminds us of the patient in the doctors' clinic, who when told that a cancerous tumor would have to be cut out, asked, "But doctor, what are you going to replace it with?"

No, Mr. Hand, we don't need spooks or anything else to worship, nor do we need a pacifier to suck on, either. You can have the whole messy passel, gratis and wholesale.

We now come to the Odinist admission that, well yeah, we admit all this Norse mythology is hocus-pocus, but at least it is White, not Jewish hocus-pocus. Big deal! If we must deal in hokum at all, why not pick a higher grade of hocus-pocus, when the White Race has such an excellent selection to choose from? The Vikings were neither the first nor the best in that category. If I were to indulge in playing games with White spooks, why, I would choose the Greek or the Roman gods ten to one over the Viking's. Their stories are much richer in classic lore, mystique, wealth of characters and any other critique that may tickle your fancy. Compared to them, the Vikings were crude, brutish and bordering on the dense. In fact, on the intellectual level the Vikings were on a similar level to Hagar the Horrible as portrayed in the Sunday comics. They were, in fact, illiterate, and most of the Norse Myths the Odinists bandy about to- day are only through the gratuity of being preserved in Christian writings.

The Vikings, in turn, slaughtered the Christians wholesale, but in the end the latter conquered the Vikings by the insidious application of their Jewish B-bomb (brain bomb). So what we have of all this Odinist hocus-pocus today is really only a more or less Christian recording or residue, and who needs more primitive hocus-pocus. Mr. Hand claims the Odinists are not a "dead horse", nor a relic from a primitive past, but a "rising phoenix", because, see, we have several thousand already yet. Well, if he wants to play the numbers game, I am not impressed. It is no substitute for quality. "Where is the beef?" indeed, (his quote). There are any number of cults, religions and insanities that have far larger numbers than "several thousand". The Moonies have millions, Jehovah's Witnesses number in the millions, the Moslems number in the hundreds of millions, and the Christians claim to

embrace 750 million "souls". So what are a paltry few thousand in comparison? And anyway, with all those billions of believers in the old spooks in the sky swindle, the bottom line still is that the world is In one hell of a mess, is rapidly screeching towards a traumatic cataclysm, is still in the hands of treacherous Jews, and Odin, Wodin, Blynken and Nod will do damn little, if anything, to save us. I would rather be a minority of one who was set on the right course than be a polyglot part of a multi-million member cult that had its thinking all screwed up.

We need something much more realistic, tough, well planned, thoroughgoing and comprehensive than a rehash of a few primitive and warmed up myths to do the job. In Creativity we have the whole ball of wax. Just as Adolf Hitler found it necessary to chuck over- board all the old political parties in Germany because they were inadequate to do the job, and devise a completely new philosophy and political party to cope with a major catastrophe, so too, we Creators find it necessary to devise a completely new philosophy and religion for the total White Race of the Planet Earth. In so doing, instead of rummaging around in the debris and garbage heap of old dead religions of the past, we instead go to

the greatest teacher of them all — Mother Nature. Her laws are eternal, they are real, they have the innate wisdom of the eons embodied in them. There is our source, and there is our answer.

If Mr. Hand finds that being natural, logical, realistic, organized and deliberate leaves him "cold" and without purpose, I again suggest that he see his Jewish psychiatrist to confuse him further. Evidently there are some maladjusted people in this world, in fact, millions of them, who are so hopelessly confused that they cannot face reality in a disintegrating world. So they seek an escape mechanism of some kind. Some resort to alcohol, some to hard drugs, some to the spooks in the sky fantasy. But it is no solution, and reality will have to be faced and problems have to be solved. To try to escape them with all these trick escape mechanisms does not solve them but makes the situation only more disastrous and the end of the line for such "escape" artists is usually similar to that of a John Belushi, or a David Kennedy.

We Creators do not seek to hide our heads in the sand, or on cloud nine in the sky. We are problem solvers and we have answers, meaningful, comprehensive and realistic answers. Just as Adolf Hitler sought to unite the Whole German nation under one political party, so we Creators seek to unite the total White Race and the White Race alone. Just as Hitler succeeded in uniting all the Germans under National Socialism, so we Creators believe (yes we DO have faith!) that we can and will unite the present 500 million White peoples on the face of the earth into one powerful, solid battering ram that will crush and demolish the narcotic poison of Judaism. We believe it because it is the only way for the White Race to go, and once the White Race is united there is no power on the face of the earth that will ever again be in a position to threaten its existence or survival.

At this point I would like to make a highly encouraging and optimistic observation. The White racial movement In America has now advanced far enough to win over and smash the Jewish establishment. It could do it now in 1984, if the different factions would unite and polarize under the banner of the Church of The Creator the most comprehensive thoroughgoing, effective weapon It has to work with.

Standing in the way is the hubris (overweening ego) of the leaders of the individual groups. They take the position that "If I didn't think of It first, I'm going to torpedo It, and to hell with the White race", and I think Odinism is a prime example. But think of it! We could win now! Forget about wet-nursing your private little hubris! If we lose nobody will remember you anyway. But if we win, what a glorious White, bright world this would be. Yes, the White Man knows how to govern the world, Mr. Hand, contrary to what you claim in your desultory appraisal of the White Race. The Romans already did so beautifully 2000 years ago, and Pax Romana with its 200 years of peace and prosperity was undoubtedly the finest epoch in the White Man's history. It lasted until Jewish Christianity came along and infected the White Man's mind with a running sore that has persisted to this day.

But we Creators are not nearly as much interested in that the White Race "govern" the world, as that the White Race POSSESS IT IN TOTAL. In an increasingly contaminated, poisoned, and polluted world of exploding mud races, we are now at a point of no return. Either the White Race inhabits it all and exclusively or it will be crushed, stifled and exterminated. It is now all or nothing, and we Creators want to make damn sure it is the White Race that survives. Succinctly, it is only the White Race that can reverse the avalanche, clean up the planet again and build a world worth living in.

But our program does not stop there. Through our program of Eugenic up-breeding we mean to advance the quality of life, health and happiness to levels never before even dreamed of by the Greeks and Romans, much less the brutish Vikings. We further believe there is no real problem accomplishing this lofty goal as far as the Jews and the mud races arc concerned. The real obstacle is the confused and cluttered thinking of the White Race itself, and the most pervasive clutter of all is the spooks in the sky obsession that contaminates the minds of so many of the White Race.

We do not find that our lofty goal of uniting the White Race in a powerful White racial religion as either "cold" or without purpose, as Mr. Hand seems to. (In fact, he reminds me of the nigger who said, "Boss, even if it's good, I don't like it.") We find the challenge exciting, exhilarating and the most intelligent and meaningful ever proposed in any religion, creed or philosophy. It sure beats the hell out of chasing non-existent spooks, be they Roman, Viking or Jewish.

Our members feel the same way. They are excited, filled with hope, determination and purpose now that they have a meaningful, constructive goal in life. Let me quote to you just a small part of a four page letter I received Just last week. It begins with...."Dear lnspirational...." and here are a few excerpts: "I have sworn an oath and have dedicated my entire being, heart and mind and what years of my life remaining to just those ends ...." Referring to our basic books: "For it IS my Bible, it IS my belief and although you, sir, are the author, its every utterance reverberates throughout my very being as if it were I whose pen raced across the paper for fear of losing a word." There is more. You can read

the full letter in the September issue of Racial Loyalty. We have thousands of other letters in our file that reflect similar emotions and sentiments. Cold, Mr. Hand? If you need a spook to keep you warm I again suggest you go see your Jewish psychiatrist, or are you perhaps

yourself part of the .confusion creating apparatus that is inherent in the tribe of the Hidden Hand? I hope not.

In conclusion I say to Mr. Hand and all our good White Racial Comrades — don't knock us, but instead, join with us. We are the best friend you have in a confused, crumbling and disintegrating world.

For a Whiter and Brighter World,

Creatively yours,

Ben Klassen
Pontifex Maximus
Church Of The Creator


Conclusion: In his Editorial Policy on the inside cover of Liberty Bell Magazine Mr. George Dietz, the editor, states categorically the following noble words:

"Freedom of Speech — Freedom of Thought — Freedom of Expression.

"The editor-publisher of Liberty Bell does not necessarily agree with each and every article in this magazine, nor does he subscribe to all conclusions arrived at by various writers; however, he does endeavor to permit the exposure of ideas suppressed by the controlled news media of this country. "It is, therefore, in the best tradition of America and of free men everywhere that Liberty Bell strives to give free reign to ideas, for ultimately it is ideas which rule the world and determine both the content and structure of culture...... No effort will be spared and no idea will be allowed to go unexpressed if we think it will benefit the Thinking People, not only of America, but the entire world. "George P. Dietz, Editor & Publisher.

In the past Mr. Dietz has fairly well followed this policy. When several years ago he saw the light about the gigantic fraud Jewish Christianity had perpetrated on the White Race he fearlessly came out and said so, despite the vituperative backlash from the misguided fanatics.

He, too, after much soul searching came to the conclusion the Church Of The Creator had been preaching for years, namely, that the spooks in the sky swindle spelled the death knell of the White Race. It is therefore extraordinarily strange that Mr. Dietz has turned to and embraced another, an ersatz spooks-in-the-sky swindle, namely, Odinism. The cop-out that — well, at least the spool's are White, is really a poor excuse. It is still a hoax, an escape mechanism, a child's game.

One thing we do not need at this critical stage in the fight for the survival of the White Race is another cop-out, another childish game to divert us when we should and must come to grips with stark reality and do battle with a ruthless enemy. We do not need more meaningless splinter groups to go off on pointless tangents. The last thing we need is to dredge up ancient failures from the scrap heap of history and substitute such nonsense for a comprehensive, meaningful creed and program. We have to make up our cotton- picking minds on what is best and polarize into one solid battering ram.

Mr. Dietz admitted to me that in Creativity "we have the whole ball of wax. " He also admitted that reading Nature's Eternal Religion and a few years of contemplative thinking straightened out his former confusion about Christianity.

In the light of the above, it is hard to understand why, after seeing the whole picture, Mr. Dietz would now backslide from one set of spooks to another such piece of nonsense. When Hitler tackled the Jewish-Marxist mess in post-war Germany he did not dredge up some ancient political party that was a relic and failure from the past, but instead constructed a completely new, hard hitting political creed and program that fitted the needs of the times and with it he did the job that needed to be done. We now need a creed, a philosophy and a program that meets the exigency of the sorry mess the White Race is in today, on a total global basis. CREATIVITY has it. It has the whole ball of wax. Why then

revert to past failures and indulge in silly childish games? In CREATIVITY we have the Total Program, the Final Solution, the Ultimate Creed.

Why try to ignore or suppress it? If you are really more interested in saving the White Race than nurturing your own private and transient little hubris why not latch on to and promote the real solution and help build a Whiter and Brighter World.

It is now the official religion and policy of the U. S. government to push race mixing at all costs, and mongrelize the White Race into oblivion. Never trust any Christian. Any hypocrite who will lie to himself will also lie to others.

Article Taken From
Racial Loyalty # 18 
November 11AC (1984)


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