Wednesday 15 November 2017

Your Ward News.. Charged with Hate Crimes

Torontonians James Nicholas Sears, 54, and Lawrence (Leroy) St. Germaine, 76, were arrested and charged with “wilful promotion of hatred against an identifiable group, namely Jews” and “wilful promotion of hatred against an identifiable group, namely women.” Hate Charges laid over your ward news (Toronto Sun) 

Your Ward News / Dr. James Sears are no strangers to being the target of Hate crime investigations, they have been harassed many times before. Dr.Sears holds the distinguished title of being subjected to the most Hate crime investigations of any person in Toronto. None of the investigations resulted in any criminal hate crime charges, until now. It appears the constant whining and complaining to the police from organizations like JDL,CIJA, B'nai Brith etc. have forced the local politicians to order the charges laid.

With no charges laid in the past, obviously because Your Ward News had not committed any crime, I predict that the hate crime charges against Sears and Germaine will be dismissed. How much will this effort to silence Your Ward News cost tax payers? How many court hours will be wasted?

The constant attack on freedom of speech in Canada is alarming and sadly goes unnoticed by most, as it doesn't affect them... yet. The Sun newspaper article linked above reports on the story by using quotes from the complaining groups, nothing from Dr. Sears and nothing about free speech rights. A newspaper should be front and centre protecting Your Ward News' right to "..say it even if I don't agree with it." Free speech cannot be taken away because it is perceived to be offensive to a special interest group, no matter how powerful that group may be. 

Brother Smith
Nov 44AC (2017)                                   

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